Author Archives: mktadmin

[ONLY HK$4,900!] Get HPV 9-in-1 Vaccine, Prevent HPV Infection

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is not solely transmitted through sexual contact. HPV can be found anywhere in our everyday life, especially locations with high pedestrian flow like elevator handrails, door handles and elevator buttons. If you touch your genital area, mouth, nose or wound after encountering the virus, there will be a chance of HPV infection. […]

[ FESTIVE SALE! ] Ultra-Comprehensive STDs DNA and Antigen-Antibody Check-up M14

Sex is pleasurable in an intimate relationship, yet due to misconception, it can cause Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) at the same time, followed by worry and anxiety. Regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation, anyone could be infected with STDs through different sexual encounters, including vaginal or anal intercourse, etc. Many STDs will not cause […]